I hope you enjoy the collection of memories we have gathered in our back country wanderings. These photos represent miles of off-trail traversing and account for days of solitude in search of the Ole Woolly Whitetail, and those pristine wilderness moments that keep us going back.
Logo by team member Matt BernierStill-Hunting HarvestBeaver Dam Crossing, Nor MNPine Lake; Tamarac Refuge, MN
Missouri River; South DakotaMontana; Joas MillerPacking in; Bob Marshall Wilderness, Montana, Joas MillerBab Marshal Wilderness; Montana, Joas MillerMontana moment; Joas MillerRainy Day Fishing: Round Lake, MNRound Lake spring bass outingSpring bass fishing on Round LakeRainy Day Outing: Round LakeCass Lake, MNSeptember outing with bow-hunting buddy & artist Matt Bernier.Third Bay; Round Lake. “In my Father’s house are many mansions” (John 14:2).Many Point Scout Camp: Round Lake, MNZipple Bay sunset; Lake of the Woods, MNMinnesota wilderness lake; Schornack StudiosMany Point Scout Camp; MNIce out; Round Lake, MNNorthern Solitude; Shornack StudiosFrozen Beaver PondPacking out on a very cold dayAre you kidding me?!?
-10 Degree Bow-Hunting!The cold was my companionCrappie & Bass time in the ice-shanty with pastor Kurt.Minnesota SpringAn afternoons slow catchSheltered from the windHard water fishingSpring fog ice fishing; Tamarac LakeMississippi Headwaters; Matt BernierShooting my new-to-me Hoyt Ultra-MagA Prairie Bow-hunt in Western MinnesotaWoodpeckers workForest engineer’s stay busy in the winter: Tamarac Wildlife RefugeWinter scouting; Tamarac Wildlife Refuge, MNBob Cummings: Fine Oil PaintingsBeaver dam crossing; Sucker Creek, Round Lake township, MNSawmill Beaver Dam: Round Lake MN; Site of an old logging campOld hunting memoriesFlow from a Minnesota beaver damReflectionsA prairie sitMontana photo by Joas MillerFine art oil painting by Robert CummingsSkiing Ruby’s Road; Round LakeI love it out here in the winter on my skinny skisOff trail x-c skiing and deer scoutingInversion, Montana photo by Joas MillerIt was a good morning at bow-campNice shooting, 25 yard at a hard quartering shotBill’s ten pointBill and his archery ten pointHow did I get talked into dressing out Bill’s deer?Ten point in the Willy’sNow the work beginsHundred Acre SwampStill hunting photo breakNorway standSucker Creek in snow coverThe Christmas Tree TrailFamily Hunting TraditionsSpirit Lake cabin & family deer camp, Vergas, MNGrandpa’s hunting camp; Vergas, MNLittle Spirit Lake, Vergas, MNRattlin hornsTrail cam Nubbin Buck; Bill BerquistTamarac Bog; Tamarac Refuge, MNFather & SonNorth Country Trail; Tamarac Refuge, MNPine Lake; Tamarac Refuge, MNPaul Bunyan bike trail near Walker, MNLong time friend and bow hunting buddy Bill at Round LakeEarly season bow hunting at Round Lake with my buddy & artist MattScenic State Park camping; Nor MNBlackbird trail; Tamarac Refuge, MNBeaver pond; MNBeaver Dam crossing; MNBack country buck I took still hunting my last year of rifle before my archery journey began; MNFloating out a back country buck: Round Lake Township, MNOne Hundred Acre Swamp, MN & floating out a back-country buckWhite Pine: Pikes Bay; Chippewa National Forest. New beginningsWhitetail Poet: A Voice In The WildernessWest-Central MN The Winger MN, Bakke Farm river bottom landWest-Central, MN. The Bakke FarmTamarac National Wildlife Refuge, MinnesotaA successful doe push in the Missouri river hills of South Dakota with my rancher/guide buddy TravisMy first canoe-in bow hunt on Tamarac Lake in the Tamarac Wildlife Refuge, MnMid-morning sun warming up an October bow-hunt along a Nor Minnesota Beaver pondBow hunting the North Country Trail, Becker Country, MinnesotaColor Change, Tamarac Wildlife Refuge, MnEmerging from the pines, Tamarac Refuge, MnCritters from the Deer-StandThe ‘Narrows’ Deer-Stand view, Round Lake Township, Mn Photo: Bill BerquistThe Cottage I grew up at, brown cabin to right of white cabin, on Second Bay, Round Lake, Becker County,MnWinter Waters
Photo: Matt BernierLogo by team member Matt Bernier